Bachelor of Science (Biology) with Honours

The Bachelor of Science (Biology) programme consists of a combination of basic core requirements and a wide variety of electives with the goals of preparing graduates who are:

  1. Technically competent in the field of biological sciences, creative, innovative and able to contribute effectively to public or private sectors at national or international levels.
  2. Motivated and prepared for higher-degree study or for employment in biological industries, research development or outside their field.
  3. Possess ethical values and are competent in solving problems intellectually based on facts and ideas for effective lifelong learning.
  4. Able to adapt to the changing social and research environment in order to stay competitive for higher-degree studies as well as job market.


Career Prospects

Graduates from this programme have found employment in private and government sectors research institutes as well as various other position among which are academicians, microbiologist, product specialist, research officer, clinical coordinator, project manager, environmental officer and postdoctoral researcher. Our graduates also have opted to pursue MSc or PhD degrees locally or abroad in advanced field of bioscience such as cell signaling, cancer and stem cell research, protein chemistry, genomics, proteomics and structural biology

Program Structure

  • Year 1
  • Year 2
  • Year 3
  • Year 4