Bachelor of Science in Property Management

The property management degree programme run by the department is the rst real estate degree programme in the country. The programme is mainly designed to meet the different real estate professional needs in the region. From time to time changes were made to the programme to re ect the changing needs of the industry.The competitiveness of the real estate industry across the region has affected practitioner’s expectation of graduates in the eld. The changing trend in the industry from purely knowledge based professionals to one with knowledge and human skills have change the way real estate professionals are trained. Currently the outcome based education (OBE) is being practiced here to ensure that the objectives of the programs are attained.


Career Prospects

Graduates of this programme can seek employment as real estate professional either in the public or private sector; local and overseas. The typical positions that they usually hold are:

  • Valuation Of Officer
  • Property Manager
  • Facilities Manager
  • Real Estate Agents
  • Project Manager
  • Real Estate Agency
  • Real Estate Consultant


Accordingly, organizations and agencies that usually employ Real Estate graduates include:

  1. i) Agency who is directly with valuation and property management field such as Valuation and Property Services Department, Ministry of Finance Malaysia, Local Authority.
  2. ii) Organization related to the provision and maintenance of public utility such as Department of Water Supply, TELEKOM and Tenaga Nasional.

iii) Private companies which are involve in real estate; Valuation Companies, Estate Agencies, Corporations, Hyper Market, Developer and Banks.

  1. iv) Other agencies related to real estate for instance FELDA, FELCRA, RISDA and PETRONAS.