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HSK Further Study Talk in Malaysia
- Online English Session
With the rapid development of technology in China, the trend of studying in China has arrived. This Webinar is jointly organized by Chinese Testing International Co., Ltd, Bowen Education and Han Culture Centre Malaysia and invited 11 top China universities to participate. The webinar is conducted in English with the objective to provide fundamental information to the potential candidates who are interested to further their studies in China.
– 随着中国科技的飞速进步,留学中国热已经悄然来临。此次宣讲会由汉考国际,博文教育和马来西亚汉文化中心联合承办,并邀请了11所中国顶尖名校参加。此宣讲会会以英语进行,旨在为有兴趣在中国深造的学生提供基本信息。


The online webinar of Colloquium on Traditional and Innovation Practices in Clinical Research
- 14th March 2022 (Monday)
-The objectives of this Colloquium is to promote exchanges between China and Malaysia Traditional Chinese/Complementary Medicine, deepen the academic, research and clinical cooperation between Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine and University Technology Malaysia and actively participate in the global promotion of Chinese Medicine. Some professionals were invited to be the keynote of the session.
- Prof. Yuan Jinhong (Sinew Acupuncture Treatment for Sports Injury Disease)
- Dr. Mispan Bin Mangon (Accessing effects of acupressure stimulation in delaying muscle fatigue to enhance muscle performance)
- Prof. Chen Duo (Brain Computer Interface: Now & Future)
- Dr. Muhammad Hanif Ramlee (Conventional versus 3D printed prosthetic leg: Which one is the most desirable?)
– 此座谈会的宗旨是推动中国及马来西亚中医及传统与辅助医疗事业间的交流,加深南京中医药大学及马来西亚工艺大学的学术、研究及临床合作,积极参与中医药全球化推广工作。不仅如此,此座谈会还邀请了专业人士作为演讲者。
- 袁锦虹教授(筋针对运动损伤性疾病的治疗探讨)
- Dr. Mispan Bin Mangon (穴位刺激在延缓肌肉疲劳以提高肌肉性能方面作用)
- 陈多副教授(脑机接口:现状与未来)
- Dr. Muhammad Hanif Ramlee (传统与 3D 打印义肢腿:哪一个是最理想的)
2022 HSK&奖学金留学中国线上马来西亚宣讲会
– With the rapid development of technology in China, the trend of studying in China has arrived. This session was organized by Center for Language Education and Cooperation under China MOE, co-organized by Bowen Education and Han Culture Centre Malaysia and invited Tsinghua University and other 20 top China universities to participate. The HSK Study Abroad in China Online Information Session able to convey the message to the international candidates in need, relying on the global Chinese candidate resources and the HSK test center network to organize the study in China and the employment of Chinese talents. HSK is committed to provide integrated services of “Teaching-Learning-Test-Study-Employment” for Chinese language learners from all over the world.
– 随着中国科技的飞速进步,留学中国热已经悄然来临。此次宣讲会由中国教育部中外语言交流合作中心-汉考国际主办,博文教育和马来西亚汉文化中心联合承办,并邀请了清华大学等20所中国顶尖名校参加。HSK留学中国宣讲会能够将讯息传达给有需求的国际考生,依托全球中文考生资源和HSK考点网络所举办的来华留学及中文人才就业项目。HSK致力于为各国中文学习者提供‘教-学-考-留学-就业’的一体化服务。

拜访华文科助理厅长 - 姚剑龙督学

BoWen Education

BoWen Education



2019年9月25日由博文教育牵头,Crescendo International College主办,马来西亚汉文化中心协办的HSK-iBT汉语网络水平考试新闻发布会,各界媒体朋友的见证下完满成功!
本次新闻发布会是HSK-iBT汉语水平网络考试在新山首次正式亮相。博文教育作为HSK-iBT柔佛州总代理,已正式设立三个分考点:Crescendo International College、喜耀私立学校、永平高中,并于2019年9月25日新闻发布上由孔子学院/国家汉办–孔子远程教育中心认证,在马来西亚汉文化中心主席拿督吴恒灿的见证下,由博文教育授予汉语网络考试考点牌匾。
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- +6013 - 778 2669
- bowen.academy.inf@gmail.com / bowen.eduinfo@gmail.com